The SARA survey is designed to generate a set of core indicators on key inputs and outputs of the health system, which can be used to measure progress in health system strengthening over time. The SARA focuses on three main areas: service availability, general service readiness and service-specific readiness. A basic approach to SARA is to collect data that are comparable both across countries and within countries (i.e. across regions and/or districts) using a standard core questionnaire developed by WHO in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Usually, a country adopts the standard core questionnaire with adaptations to certain elements such as types of facilities, managing authority of facilities, national guidelines for services, staffing categories and national policies for medicines (e.g. for tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS). The SARA survey requires visits to health facilities with data collection based on key informant interviews and observation of key items. The survey can either be carried out as a sample or a censuS. The choice between these methodologies will depend on a number of elements including the country's resources, the objectives of the survey and the availability of a master facility list (MFL).